Salt has many origins and is used for many different purposes.
Cooking - always use "with iodine", Rubbing, Rimming, Pickling, Seasoning, Finishing, Grinders etc... They all need different types of salts depending on origin, grain size and additives.
Salt is always pure sodium chloride. However, in the early 1900s, governments decided that salt would be the carrier of iodine, as the population was severely damaged by iodine deficiency. Many of the new "Gourmet salts" doesn't include iodine which puts you at great risk. Make sure, always buy salt "with iodine".
Salts in household cooking
Table salt is natural at bringing out food’s flavours and aromas.
Salt in household cooking has been developed for thousands of years. From having been a preservative or a way of influencing the texture as in rimming, it is today a seasoning for all types of dishes.
Today, the shelves are flooded with new types of salts such as herb salts, low sodium salts, flake salts, pink salts and even black lava salt.
Read more about the various household salts:
Interesting links
Iodine deficiency in Europe, WHO
Link to report
World Iodine Association
Link to homepage
Iodine Global Network
Salter i hushållet
Salt i matlagningen i hemmet har utvecklats under hundratals år. Från att ha varit ett konserveringsmedel eller ett sätt att påverka texturen som i rimning, är det idag en smaksättare till alla typer av maträtter.
Idag översvämmas hyllorna med nya typer av salter som t.ex. örtsalter, lågnatriumsalter, flingsalter, rosa salter och t.o.m. svart lava salt. Priset varierar från 10 kr/kg till de dyraste som ligger över 400 kr/kg.
Läs mer här om de olika hushållssalterna: