Sodium is one of the most important areas for research in agricultural economics.

Michell, 1985

Why is salt so important?

Salt consists of Sodium and Chlorine (NaCl). Sodium is one of the most important nutrients for basic functions such as nerve functions, cell transport and regulates the pH and the osmotic pressure.

What happens if the animals are fed to little salt?

Lack of salt can in lead to a poorer feed utilization, since salt has decisive significance for the absorption of nutrients.
Experiments in which animals with salt deficiency, which were given access to salt have shown better growth, dairy production and reduced cell count.


What happens if you feed to much salt?

It is very rare with over-consumption of salt. Always keep water easily accessible as the animals themselves control their salt balance.

The situations where excess can occur is when the animals drink water with high salt content. To avoid excess, it should be ensured that the drinking water does not contain more than 0.3% salt.

How much salt to feed?

An animal having an excess of salt avoids salty feeds, such as e.g. in a complete feed mix, a too high salt content can lead to reduced consumption. An established level of salt in complete feed is 0.1 kg per cow and day.